To Contact the
David Gusset Studio

Guest book:   Guest Book

1611 Lincoln Street
Eugene, Oregon, USA

Hours by appointment


David Gusset
Links to other violin related sites

David Gusset, David Gussett, violoncello, stringed instruments,Stradivari, Stradivarius, Cremona, Guarneri, Guarnerius, instrument maker, history, Italian, Amati,AFVBM, violin varnish, design, luthier, making

Oregon Bach Festival, Eugene, Oregon

David Van Zandt's Bow and Bowed Stringed Instrument Makers Lists
One of the most complete resources on the violin.

Dmitry Gindin

Dmitry Gindin has dealt in fine violins extensively since 1984 in the USA and Europe. The main objective of his business was to deliver original instruments and bows primarily to international, retail violin shops.

Chamber Music at Beall
A full season of chamber music ensembles from around the world

Eugene Symphony

KWAX Radio
Classical music programming from the University of Oregon

Delgani String Quartet
Eugene based classical string quartet

Links to other local events and activities

Eugene Weekly Calendar


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David Gusset - Violin Maker

David Gusset - Violin Maker